Thursday, March 11, 2010

Navagraha hmmm,

My mom is very into religeon so she used to take me to the temple with her. There was this one god( set of gods) dat intrigued me the most- the navagrahas, I asked a few preists abt the poojas done to PACIFY (that is what he said) them.

Navagraha shanti yagyas are pretty common and take place in many ceremonies like marriage, naming of the child etc. And one of the grahas they say is the MOON . The moon or the chandra bhagwaan features in the vedas and the Mundaka upanishad which cites the rituals to please him. Thereafter with the rise of Shankaracharya and the emergence of the satvika movement the moon god disappears from the scriptures written thereafter.

Strange that even after religeous philosophers like shankaracharya and Carvaka renounced these demi gods from Hinduism they still exist in our temples.

Guys its been 40 years since Man trampled the face of the moon, i think it is abt time that reasonable theists sit up and take notice. I know that some people would get hurt if we take off the idol from the temple or denounce Chandra's existence , but than were there not people who felt that their religeon was being targeted when SATI was abolished.

The moon is a beautiful spectacle at night, poets have sang ballad after ballad in its praise. If u are mesmerised by the moon go look at it in a planetarium , it is a beautiful sight. You need an observatory to fully appreciate the moon not a temple.

You do not have to be an atheist to follow this logic. So next time u sit in a grah pravesh or Marriage pooja and the preist says (utters actually in his monotonous tone) " Om shraam shreem shraum sah chandramasay namah" Sit up and take notice and think of why u are paying the preist?

- Everyone is an atheist of the majority of the gods that the humans made up: Zeus, Amon-Ra, Thor... Real atheists simply go few gods further.


  1. and pluto is not a planet.

    DJ the idea of religion is mass control by methods of fear of the 'unknown' like you know... to a theist, moon continues to be the object to be feared. he dare not question.

    to atheists, we would only care less.

  2. Parallels drawn between the practise of Sati n Worshipping "Chandra" is not fair! Sati had several social implications.. and the practise reached its culmination for obvious reasons!

    You talk about science, its a proven fact, the influence Sun n Moon.. the plantes.. have upon us! Acknowledging that... having faith in their powers aint a big thing!

    The other day, someone exclaimed, i simply worship Deepika Padukone's beauty! The individual likes it, n its not harming anyone! You've got no right to supress the individual for his likes/dislikes!

  3. Dj with your repeated posts on atheism and asking people to renounce/denouce god itself, you are coming across as no better than religious zealots who believe in their supremacy and want people to convert to their religion. So stop wasting time and just let it be. Concentrate on what your blog description says, "socio-political"
