Friday, May 15, 2009

Tamil Eelam - the elusive dream

First things First I am not an LTTE sympathiser, But I am also not so detached and unawareof the situation to believe the lies being propogated by the SL govt. The govt is going all out into an all out phased decisive blow to the LTTE. Rajapakse claims that he is rescuing tamils from the LTTE. nothing could be further from the truth what he is doing is flushing out the LTTE regardless of the price. to qoute the RED cross 7000 people have been killed in the last month, going by even more conservative figures by the SL govt the number is 5000. There is more to be seen.
1. This figure does not include the number of young children who have been forcibly made to join the LTTE and have ben killed in battle.
2. This figure does not include those killed inside rebel held territory due to starvation or disease.

Sources point that in Reality more than 10000-12000 people have been killed. If this is a rescue operation then these people were better off in the hands of the LTTE.

SL govt has not allowed any foreign agency like the Red Cross to enter the conflict zone. What does Rajapakse have to Hide?????

Why has the SL goverment not heeded calls for a caesation of hostilites and an immediate ceasefire by the UN, USA, UK FRance, India and almost al countries with some respect for humanity( China has made no comments on this isssue)?

The answer being SL propaganda which labels any pro Tamil group in the world as LTTE sympathising. The western countries have enough of their worries( osama taliban.....). India on the hand has not acted because of the following reasons:--

1.Strategic Interest- SL is one of the very few friendly neighbours we have.

2. China. Indian govt feels if an intervention is made china may increase diplomatic and military aid to SL

3. International image-- Constant India bashing by Pakistan on alleged indian links to the LTTE has made the government turn a deaf ear to the issue.

For those who feel the sri lankan tamil cause is reaching its end bad news is it is not.

many of my friends do not know of the pre LTTE struggle. The whole issue started in 1956 with the introduction of the sinhala only act. The LTTE grew from underlying tamil sentiments but i do agree that it got way layed due to prabhakrans greed for poWER.

Unless the Sri Lankan Government mends its Sinhala Chauvinist ways and gaurantees equal rights and the dignity that my estranged brothers and sisters are due there is no end to the struggle.

People are asking for referendum so that they can decide whether they need Separate nation or not. But the Sri Lankan government is not accepting referendum and uses military to subjugate the Tamil people.


This site is referenced by most of the academicians worldwide. It has received several awards for truth and maintaining history. You may find links to the details of those awards in that website. This site explains about Tamil Eelam. Also know that, the whole Tamil population is asking for a separate nation and the LTTE is just a faction fighting for it through military means. It is similar to kashmir issue. LTTE is like LeT but India does allow the Hurriyat to continue its peaceful demands for azad Kashmir. SL has wiped out the tamil equivalent of the Hurriyat. SL propaganda declares all pro Tamil groups as LTTE but nothing is furrther from the truth.

The word terrorist and freedom fighter are very close. Think of Yasser Arafat , He headed a declared terrorist group(PLO) and then Guess What! Got the Nobel peace prize for resolving the palestinian issue. Had Prabvhakaran done something similar he would have been one of the main contenders of the nobel prize instead of languishing in a jungle right now.

The LTTE may have been destroyed but the reasons for their rise still loom and unless these are resolved more groups will emerge and the dream of the Tamil Eelam with its sense of pride and hope will forever remain strong in the hearts of the Tamil People.

vaalga tamil!!

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