Thursday, April 30, 2009

Climate Change/ Global warming --- who is to be blamed

Interesting thing that this climate change is up everywhere. from AL Gore to Amitabh Bachchan all are supporting it.

But do they actually know what they r doing.

1. the only major country to have not signed and ratified the kyoto protocol for climate change is the USA. the US is the worlds largest consumer of fossil fuels, largest polluter, has the largest number of cars and aircrafts in the world, largest importer of wood from the Rainforests.

2. The face which has become synonymous with this movement is AL Gore. he was also given the Nobel Peace Prize for this. Intersting he was the Vice President of USA when the US rejected KYOTO. Double Standards?

3. the US in fact blames Developing countries for this aggravation of climate change situation. They want the developing world to not use thermal power etc and spend money on renewable energy source.

4. why should the developing countries squander there money on these costly alternatives

5. finally CARBON CREDITS. money given for implementing green projects. Projects on which money spent could have set up thermal power plants which would have provided more electricity.SHOULD THIS MONEY NOT BE VIEWD AS A BRIBE GIVEN BY THE RICH NATIONS TO POOR NATIONS, SO THAT THESE NATIONS REMAIN POOR.

6. More ppl are effected every year due to lack of medical facilities, unemployment, education (requiring more energy resources and money) than of climate change or pollution

7. Finally it should be seen that the people of the THIRD WORLD DEVELOPING countries face an uncertain today, should they worry about the future.

8. y should the poor pay for what the rich nations do

all this climate control issue is useless unless the rich nations (especially the USA) do something in this direction.

I talk this opportunity to point out the differences in what the US says and What it does.

The ppl of india could all turn off their cars, shut down chemical plants, as a matter of fact have a zeo carbon footprint even then the climate change situation wouldnt even be slightly affected.

what is required at this juncture is to decide on the 2 following options

a) Pressurise the US to ratify the KYOTO protocol as a first step in a series of actual steps taken by it as a world leader.

b) Pressurise the Indian Government to break off from the treaty on climate change. ask the govenment to stop the spending on fighting this climate change and spend it on more pressing issues like poverty.

go on start the movement
the poor will not be eyewashed into beleiving that they r ruining the climate.

Let us join hands and condemn this bigotry followed by these countries.
We will not be fooled by them and will strive till these greedy Capitalists bite the dust

Join me!!!


  1. impassioned, as expected, but a touch misleading

    1. All points regarding the US hypocrisy are correct. But what "sacrifices" has the Indian government made so far? There are no caps for developing countries, including India, under Kyoto.

    2. Carbon credits are a pragmatic move to move towards reductions in greenhouse gases. Maybe you should go a bit deeper into its economics to understand their role.

    3. Capitalism has little to do with this. Capitalist economies of Europe and Japan are at the forefront of climate change action. It is only the US, which emits 40% of all greenhouse emissions, which has broken away from Kyoto.

    4. There is little room for chauvinistic attitudes when the future of the world is at stake. If this article is intended to highlight US hypocrisy, it's fine. But if it goes further in suggesting that this US response justifies irresponsibility from the rest of us when the future of all of us is threatened, I would strongly disagree.

    Here's your first comment :P

  2. Varun i know how u guys feel that i am a tad anti USA but fact of the matter remains the same.
    Biased govt spending is a major issue, i would like to settle this issue using an example.

    Imagine the worlds resources to be a pond and all the countries of the world drinking from it. USA is the Big elephant sucking up huge amounts and is wary of 2 young lions( India and China) drinking from the same pond.

    The elephant is accusing the lions of depleting the resources. The lions need it the most as they are growing and need the nutrition. The elephant in turn is encouraging other animals to minimise their intake. The time is ripe for the lions and other animals to sring up on the ELEPHANT!!!

  3. and as for your take on non US developing countries, they have a bigger blame on them.
    They are the most wasteful. EU and Japan has one of the largest per capita carbon footprint in the world. they go under the radar because of their small populations but an average Indian does far less damage than them.

    Varun i think u did not understand my take on carbon credits

    I was saying we can build more thermal power plants for the same money as a bloody wind farm or nuclear power plant. we have the technology without any restrictions( patents in case of wind and stupid deals in nuclear power)

    They may pollute more and this soln may not make sense to the city bred like u but if seen from the suffering it is not

    I REITERATE most indians have no today.


    i concur!

    well composed arguments.

  5. on a different pitch
