Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Holy Teapot

An excerpt from my forthcoming book

The Holy Teapot

Mr X: do you believe in the holy teapot?
Mr Y: The teapot has helped me get over a lot of tough times in my life. The feeling that there was this figure looking over me and looking after me has made me strong enough to face the toughest of challenges. When I pray I feel my burden getting lighter and the reassurance I get from the thought that the teapot is there to protect me from harm keeps me at peace.
Mr X: I don’t agree with you I feel you are belittling the efforts put in by you when you attribute all your success to the teapot.
Mr Y : The teapot created everything on the earth, and is the one driving everything in the universe. It is now revolving in space from where it directs everything on earth. These truths of the teapot are revealed in the holy book. And for hundreds of years the teachings have been handed down from generation to generation. It is true.
Mr X : Humans believed the earth was flat for a thousand years, did people not realize that it was false, they will realize that the teapot is a lie soon. Faith tells us not to question and reason whereas modern science is dynamic and ever changing because of its ability to challenge itself at every stage.
Mr Y: When did I say that I don’t believe in science? I believe in the scientific method as well but it is undeniable that science has not disproved the existence of the teapot.
Mr X: We do not have the technology or telescopes sophisticated enough to search for the teapot. Even if we had such technology we cannot possibly look everywhere in the infinite universe. Just because we cannot disprove something does not mean it exists. There is a lot of things u can’t disprove.
Mr Y: What about the things modern science is yet to explain like origin of the universe, complexities of the mind? How do you explain that?
Mr X: Science could not explain many things before like the human body, atomic structure and all but now it can. I am sure Science could explain most things and nothing would be left unexplained. The Big Bang theory seeks to explain the origin of universe. The theory will develop in the future.
Mr Y: Even if Big Bang theory is true how did the universe originate. Surely someone created it, the universe just cannot come out of nowhere.
Mr X (chuckles): You urself claim that nothing can come into existence someone has to be create the universe. Now I ask if the creator created the universe then who created the creator. How can he just come out of nowhere.
Mr Y: That makes no sense u are arguing for argument sake.
Mr X: Yaar, I will explain using an example. It’s like someone saying that all fires are hot and there can be no cold fires, and someone counter arguing saying that there is a special fire that is cold. U said there has to be creator as someone has to create the universe. When I said that then who created the creator u say the creator is someone that needs not be created and is omnipresent. If the creator can exist without its creator why can’t the universe exist without the creator? So u see why I don’t believe in the creator. Let alone believing that the creator was the teapot.
Mr Y: Who cares if you believe in it or not. Almost 1 billion people or 20% of mankind believes in the holiness of the teapot. Surely all of them cannot be wrong.
Mr X: My point exactly what about the remaining 60% who don’t believe in Teapotism. What about spoonism, another major belief in the world, they don’t believe what you say.
Mr Y: I don’t believe in what they say either, the thought that the world was created when the sea was churned with a spoon and the drops that fell off the spoon formed the land is ridiculous.
Mr X: The spoonists may think that your theories are equally ludicrous. So I see u don’t believe much in other faiths, I am no different than you.

I just don’t believe in one more religion than you.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Aman Ki Asha

India Pakistan Peace,
These 3 words look strange next to each other.

but does this have to remain as status quo for ever. I know there are differences. Indians hate pakistanis because of terrorism, and they feel that we are out to get them. Media surely does up the rhetoric. watch a pakistani news channel sometimes (on the net as they are banned in India) and it will surely amuse you when u see them blame us for everything. Our media is not behind (god someone ban India TV) predicting pakistan as a failed state and terrorists running amock in the country.

Surely If an Indian and pakistani meet somewhere they would be courteous to each other. But would not hesitate to fling abuses at each other at a chatroom or some place else. Type "India Pakistan" on youtube and just read the comments on any video and u can surely learn all the swear words in Hindi-urdu.

So what is the problem here. Whenever an Indian thinks of a pakistani he always pictures a fanatic mulla promoting terrorists to slay the kafirs. A pakistani always thinks of an Indian as a Saffron clad rioter out to kill minorities. Simple answer 'It is the fear and Hatred of the unknown other.

Get over this stereotyping and realise that on either side of the border are people struggling to raise a family and meeting ends meet. Both want nothing but roti,kapda aur makan.

to some it up these lines from border

"Hum apne apne kheto main gehun ki jagah chawal ki jagah yeh banduke kyun bote hain
Jab dono hi ki galiyon main kuch bhooke bachche rote hain

Aa khaye kasam ab jang nahi hone paaey, aur us din ka rasta dekhein
jab khil uthain mera bhi chaman, jab khil uthain tera bhi chaman
Mera bhi watan , tera bhi watan
Tera bhi watan , Mera bhi watan